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What Is the Selection and Maintenance of Steel and Wood Doors? What Is the Cleaning Method of Steel and Wood Doors?

The anti-theft function of steel wood doors is highly effective, and their unique style has made them a favorite among consumers, becoming a loyal guardian for many families. The durability and appearance of steel wood doors largely depend on proper daily maintenance. By following correct maintenance methods, the effective lifespan of steel wood doors can be significantly prolonged. Unfortunately, many consumers are unaware of the selection, maintenance, and cleaning methods for these types of doors. In this article, we will delve deeper into the topic of "what is the selection and maintenance of steel and wood doors? What is the cleaning method of steel and wood doors?"

When it comes to the surface treatment technology of steel wood door leaves, there are two main categories of processes available in the market. The first is the film pasting process, where the steel plate is covered with imitation wood grain using a plastic compound. This process involves heat sealing PVC material onto the steel plate. However, products manufactured using this method may experience issues such as degumming, delamination, discoloration, and are prone to corrosion when scratched by sharp objects. The second category is the transfer printing and paint baking process, where the steel plate is treated with a phosphating solution followed by plastic spraying and baking. The wood grain pattern is then transferred to the paint on the bottom of the steel plate, which is also baked. Finally, the surface is coated with automobile paint and baked, resulting in a more stable and durable finish.

When it comes to the selection of door pocket materials, there are four main categories available in the market. The first is the multilayer board veneer door pocket, which features a film (PVC) or sticker paint applied to the surface of the multilayer board. However, due to the bonding process used, these materials are prone to delamination, blistering, and anaerobic bacteria growth, leading to deformation and affecting both the functionality and aesthetics of the door. The second category is the density board door pocket, typically coated with paint or PVC film. However, the density board, made from straw fiber and glue under high pressure, tends to expand, mold, and deform when exposed to moisture. This alters its density, reducing nail holding force and overall durability. The third category is the steel door cover, which is manufactured using a steel plate and adopts the transfer printing and paint baking process mentioned earlier. These door pockets are typically single-sided with simple patterns. Although easy to install, they lack the essence of steel wood as an indoor door material. Lastly, there is the multilayer board UV paint finish door pocket. This is a newer type of door pocket that utilizes transfer wood grain and UV paint finishing technology. With its vibrant colors and resistance to deformation, cracking, moisture, heat, wear, and pollution, it has become a popular choice among consumers.

What Is the Selection and Maintenance of Steel and Wood Doors? What Is the Cleaning Method of Steel and Wood Doors? 1

Next, let's discuss the types of lines available in the market. There are three main categories to consider. The first is the wood plastic line, where the surface of the base material is coated with a film (PVC) or sticker paint. However, similar to other materials that use bonding processes, it is prone to delamination, blistering, and even disintegration. The second category is the plastic steel line, featuring a plastic steel base material coated with PVC. While these lines look sleek, their surface can also experience delamination and blistering over time. Lastly, the plastic steel paint baking line is a more sophisticated option. It utilizes transfer printing wood grain and UV paint finishing processes, resulting in a product with vibrant colors and excellent overall performance.

One crucial aspect to consider when selecting steel wood doors is the thickness of the steel plate. The thickness directly reflects the quality of the product. Higher quality doors typically feature a steel plate thickness of 0.5mm or more, resulting in a flat, smooth, and durable surface. In contrast, inferior products may opt for a steel plate thickness of 0.3mm or thinner, resulting in poor surface flatness and insufficient structural rigidity. As a result, these doors are more prone to deformations and do not meet the quality standards consumers expect. It is advisable to avoid purchasing such inferior products and instead opt for those with thicker steel plates.

Moving on to the maintenance and cleaning of steel and wood doors, it is essential to use the proper techniques to keep them in prime condition. For daily cleaning, a soft and dry cotton cloth or silk can be used to wipe the door panel. In cases where stains are stubborn, it is recommended to use neutral detergent, toothpaste, or special furniture cleaner to remove them. After cleaning, remember to dry wipe the surface and avoid rinsing it with water.

In some instances, rust may develop due to surface dirt. To address this problem, a 10% nitric acid or abrasive detergent can be used to wash the affected area. Additionally, there are specialized washing drugs available that can effectively remove rust from steel and wood doors.

When cleaning the stainless steel surface of the door, always be cautious to prevent scratching. Avoid using washing solutions, steel wool, or abrasive tools containing bleaching ingredients. To remove any remaining washing solution, rinse the surface with clean water after completing the cleaning process.

In conclusion, the selection, maintenance, and cleaning of steel and wood doors play a crucial role in their overall performance and longevity. By following the proper methods discussed in this article, consumers can make informed decisions when purchasing doors and ensure they are well-maintained. Steel wood doors offer superior quality and durability compared to other brands, making them resistant to deformation and damage. With regular maintenance, these doors can easily last for ten years or more.

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