
Zonle Doors has specialized in door manufacturing for 20years

Authoritative media comes to Zonle Doors to explore the road to development

Today, the mainstream media of Sina Home, Net Ease Home, Tencent Dacheng Network, Soufang Network and other industries walked into the production factory of Chengdu Qingbaijiang Base of Zonle Doors Industry to visit the production process of Zonle products and witness the strict control of product process quality by Zonle Industry.
The first time to enter the gate of The Zonle Factory, the most eye-catching thing is the row of large trucks parked outside the production workshop, every day, they transport the door products produced by we are shipped to major cities across the country and brought to thousands of households, and the strength interprets "Zonle Doors, guarding the loved ones".
As soon as you enter the production workshop, you can only see the sound and shadow of thousands of workers busy, only the uninterrupted operation of the machine, and everything is carried out in an orderly manner.

Authoritative media comes to Zonle Doors to explore the road to development 1



While explaining in detail, Zonle professionals led the media group from the raw material area to the production area to the packaging area, and witnessed the birth of Zonle door step by step. At the same time, a series of automated and intelligent equipment owned by Zonle have been praised by the on-site media groups.


Authoritative media comes to Zonle Doors to explore the road to development 2


Subsequently, the relevant personnel of Zonle Door Industry and the industry media held a small symposium on the visit.The person in charge of Zonle first expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of the media group, shared with everyone the development process of Zonle Door industry in the past ten years, and then answered questions on the process requirements of Zonle products and the future development of the enterprise.He said that Zonle  has always put the quality of product technology in the first place, and knows that only by focusing on the product itself, the company can have a future and go more smoothly in the future development journey!Such a sonorous and powerful answer was unanimously praised by the media at the scene.


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At the meeting, many media lamented that the strong corporate strength of  Zonle Door Industry is obvious to all, and unanimously believes that  Zonle Doors is from top to bottom, and every detail is full of serious energy! Doing things seriously, making products seriously, and doing business seriously must have a close relationship with the deep-rooted culture of an enterprise.This is also the reason why Zonle Door industry can continue to achieve excellent business results in today's severe industry situation.


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